凄まじい機動力を誇るメカ「イカルス」を駆り、海面スレスレから雲海まで一気に駆け抜け、敵の大軍や強敵と緊張感あふれるバトルを楽しめます。ミサイルの弾幕の撃ち合いも可能な、ハイスピードメカシューティングゲームです。 Driving the mecha Icarus, which boasts tremendous manoeuvrability, you can enjoy tense battles with large enemy armies and powerful enemies, running from the surface of the sea to the sea of clouds at a dash. This is a high-speed mecha shooting game where you can also engage in a barrage of missile fire.

凄まじい機動力を誇るメカ「イカルス」を駆り、海面スレスレから雲海まで一気に駆け抜け、敵の大軍や強敵と緊張感あふれるバトルを楽しめます。ミサイルの弾幕の撃ち合いも可能な、ハイスピードメカシューティングゲームです。 Driving the mecha Icarus, which boasts tremendous manoeuvrability, you can enjoy tense battles with large enemy armies and powerful enemies, running from the surface of the sea to the sea of clouds at a dash. This is a high-speed mecha shooting game where you can also engage in a barrage of missile fire.

■アルファ版につきまして On the alpha version


